Wednesday, July 28, 2010

almost another business day

so it's almost to the a.m. i be stayin... up. writin reviews and stuff, see views with trust from youtube clips that hit home on a tech like me. i might be the next right g to see that this is an odd post goin off on tangents and branchin out to the sandwich house. lol. it's a restaurant i just made up that only sells baloney and cheese sandwiches. nothing else. just baloney and cheese. no drinks... well, they gotta have water. if you're goin in this place to eat you're payin 48.51 for a baloney and cheese sandwich and a styrofoam cup of luke warm tap water. so don't go tryin that at home or you'll get dumped in hotter... ... ... water. so stop tryin to buy in to the lies that lye within. sometimes you try to win. these times is gettin thin and i don't know where to begin or end with this post. we can eat toast and coast from coast to coast until then. that's it for now and peace


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